4 Tips to Protect Your Search Engine Rankings from Google Algorithm Updates

If you are a website owner you might have already experienced how Google can stir the pot of search rankings with its updates. In 2019 alone, Google has tweaked its search algorithm quite a few times causing a furore of sorts.
Irrespective of how we feel, Google constantly updates their algorithm throughout the year to improve the search relevance. So we are left with no choice but to make all the efforts to protect the search engine rankings of our website from the potential Google updates. But how do you do that?
Here are 4 simple fundamental tips that can help you protect your website’s rankings from Google Core Algorithm updates:
Lean, clean and faster websites take honours:
An update is Google’s way of improving the search relevance which is done by prioritizing the websites that adhere to Google’s criteria of a user-friendly website. So how do you make your website Google-friendly?
Simple, no matter how many updates befall to rock the boat, the fundamentals remain the same. So make sure you offer a faster, secure and easy-to-use informative website with unique content with responsive design without overcomplicating it. Reassess your website real estate: cut the flab, make structural changes if need be and take care of the site speed.
The simple, lean, fast website with relevant content is your first base to insulate your website from a sudden slip in rankings.
Build a brand:
If your major source of visitors is organic search alone, then it is a perfect time opportunity for you to build your brand. Building a brand for your niche protects your website when the rankings slip in the event of a major update. So do capitalize on your search rankings to build a brand for yourself to leverage the solid base later on. And this can only be done if you can incorporate ‘Brand Building’ in your Search Engine Optimization strategy.
Be in Google’s good books:
There was a time when black hat SEO was considered pretty common and that is exactly why it was relegated to the past tense today. Google severely penalizes websites with shady SEO practices and sooner or later you will have to suffer the wrath of Google. So stay away from techniques like cloaking, keyword stuffing, private blog networks or structured data abuse. An efficient white hat SEO plan id what you should be focusing on if you wish for credibility and results in the long run.
Keep ‘up with the trends & updates:
Search Engine Optimization is a dynamic field. The SEO executives scamper on their toes through standard SEO websites and news sources to whiff the updates and make necessary adjustments on the go. The active SEO community helps them stay up to date with the trends and updates to adapt new tricks and techniques to improve SEO performance as well. If you are all by yourself, we suggest subscribing to premier SEO websites like SEO Round Table & Search Engine Journal to keep an eye on the latest updates and developments. If you are short on time and would like help with your SEO strategy, we folks at Samskriti Business Solutions can lend your hand in improving your rankings.