Seven SEO Errors You Can Fix Today
Search engine optimization has its charm and a useful part of any internet based growth strategy. In the age of continuous updating in Search Engine algorithms, it means publishing the high quality content that earns links. Like all other works, there is a continuous thrust towards improvements in the architecture of the SEO works on any website plus a regular need to be ahead of the curve in SEO. Some of the common mistakes in SEO designs in a website can be eliminated and can help instill new growth trajectory to the website. Let’s have a look at some of the SEO errors we can eliminate:
- Duplicate Content:
Simply put, duplicate content is any content that is “appreciably similar” or exactly the same as content that resides on your site, according to Google Webmaster Tools. Other sources of duplicate content include the use of both “plain” and secure protocol URLs (HTTP and HTTPS); no expressed preference for a versus (without the www); blog tags; and syndicated RSS feeds. Having multiple versions of the Homepage URL often leads to this, so it is advisable to stay with one URL as one main URL. When Google crawlers through the web to index the website but unfortunately the multiple duplication leads to the problems of lower SEO rankings.
- Inadequate Mobile Experience:
There is a huge share of mobile internet in the traffic that goes to the website nowadays, so it makes sense to develop a mobile friendly website. If a website bit slow in opening on a smartphones and tablets, visitors will likely click away, upping your site’s bounce rate. Google takes into account for search rankings, including page visits, time spent on a page, visit duration and bounce rates.
- Link Building Practices:
Unnatural, spam-like, irrelevant, and “black-hat,” or “just plain bad,” backlinks can cause any website to take a hit in the search page rankings. Natural link building is appreciated but not the forced one or one that looks artificial.
- Interface Problems:
When there is a traffic of consumers to a website, the visitors only look forward to an easy navigation and not having problems while engaging with website layout. If the website turns out to be irrelevant and is at variation with user’s interaction, we will see a drop in the website ratings on search engine.
- Avoiding Flash:
Search engine sends crawlers to crawl through the website and index the pages, which Flash tends to create problems for indexing. So it becomes necessary to be out of the Flash mode and use HTML, CSS 3 and using videos for animation instead of Flash.
- Broken Backlinks:
Error Number 404 is the most SEO irritants dysfunction and it is a problem that needs to be tackled immediately. So, it is advisable to immediately search for broken links on the page and look to make the website clean of errors.
- HTTPS is the Talk of the SEO World:
Google just recently announced that they would start marking any non-HTTPS site as non-secure if the site accepts passwords or credit cards. Going even further, there are talks that Google will start giving HTTPS sites even more of an algorithmic ranking benefit over HTTP. It’s also one possibility that not secure site warnings will start showing up for sites directly in the search results, before a user even clicks through to the site. Time to move onto HTTPS folks!
There will be a lot of changes around the corner with the regular algorithm updates in the Google with time. So it is always makes sense to be ahead of the curve and work on the SEO aspect keeping in mind Google habits.