Samskriti Business Solutions was glad to attend SEMPO Meet up held at KRIDA Auditorium, Cognizant Technology Solutions, DLF Towers, Gachibowli, Hyderabad on June 5th 2014. The daylong event was organized by SEMPO India to bring in the best minds from Digital Marketing Arena to share insights on the emerging digital advertising changes and their impact on various aspects of marketing dynamism, optimization issues, digital trends, analytics and power of social media.

The session started off with the enriched focus on the “Emerging Trends in Digital Marketing” by Mr.Viswa Sharan, Head-Digital Analytics, Cognizant. He explained how the trend in digital marketing is showcasing the changes taking place and yet to take place with the vast reach and availability of Mobile Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and Tag Management System. It was quiet interesting to know about the new tag management system and its application for wider reach, faster access, and tackle enterprise website reach to the users.

The second speaker, we would rather say an inspiration himself whose self-determination, boldness towards life and commitment to learning spirit in digital marketing trends has spell bound the entire audience in the meet. Mr. Raghavendra Satish Peri (Raghava), Senior Accessibility Consultant, Deque Software has lost his vision few years back due to a degenerative disease but never has stepped back in his career or life. Rolling his high spirits, he is still today in race for the accessibility SEO and strives to learn each and every new trend that happens in the digital marketing through the concept on Accessibility SEO and Conversion Optimization. He enlightened the crowd on Relationship between Accessibility & SEO. He explained on how On-Page Optimization, HTML5 & ARIA markups, Micro Formats, RDFA and Micro elements effect on search rankings.

Mr. Navneet Kaushal, CEO, Page Traffic, the third speaker in the session brought deep insights and stats into the Next Generation SEO and Identifying Your Keyword. He has showered his digital marketing experience by showcasing all the algorithm changes the hit Google results and how well one can cope up with the latest Author and Snippets usage in the search optimization mechanism. The amazing topic on Brand Building through Digital by fourth speaker before lunch session Mr.Vivek Bhargava, MD, iProspect brought some factual things that need to go into the online marketing techniques to build a brand using digital media.

Post lunch session started off with Mr. Aditya Gupta, Cofounder - Social Samosa, who gave a note on how social media and technology helps in Digital Marketing. He gave some justifiable and deep statistics on the usage of social and technology focusing about RFID, Mobiles and Data analysis on Social media projecting present elections.

Benedict Hayes - Vice President, iProspect Communicate 2, delightfully pitched the audience with his “Introduction to Google Analytics Premium”. He gave his in-depth analysis of how data to insight with Google Analytics Premium will help the large corporates and showcased the comparison between Site Catalyst and Premium.

Later, there was a group discussion with a panel of four speakers - Aruna, Benedict, Vivek, Navneet with the audience on How new Government will leverage Digital Marketing.

After the group discussion, there was a mentoring of Mr. Nabeel K. Adeni,Social Media Mentor, Deep Red Ink who explained the core niche of social media in the marketing arena. He expressed his views through a presentation of Social Media beyond marketing focusing on Customer Support, Sales, and Human Resources.

Lastly, the session ended with a focus on Creating Your Personal Brand by Ms. Dipali Thakkar, Digital Marketing Consultant who gave a simple exposure of how to create your personal branding with simple techniques.

On the end note, through interaction and discussions, SEMPO Hyderabad Meet up was a fair one to participate for Samskriti Business Solutions’ team of 7 Digital Marketing Experts Pranaya Srinath, Madhavi Anumula, Hamsa Rekha, Anil Sagi, Harini Thugaturthi, Anil Guggilla and Anish Chaintanya