A bliss moment for Samskriti not as company or an organization but as splendid team with whole hearted enthusiasm and zeal has celebrated the grand 7th Anniversary Celebrations at Araku and Vizag.

The three day celebrations went on with the spiking cheers of team altogether having fun filled moments at the beautiful Araku valleys and sizzling Vizag Beach. On August 21 2015, amidst the lovely ambience and pleasant atmosphere with drizzling sparks of cheer and fun, cake cutting ceremony went on marking the seventh anniversary and all of them exulted in happiness.

The team was enlightened by a lovely and inspiring speech by Mr.Sravan Kumar Paka, CEO and Founder, Samskriti Business Solutions.

Mr.Sravan expressed his happiness and shared rejoice moments of his life to attain to this position. He reflected his core principles on the occasion of successful completion of seven years and said “Constant and consistent hard work can always give everyone good results.”

We are all today here celebrating the seven years of success @ Samskriti for our collective efforts and togetherness as a team.

The delighted moments shared have showered a great gesture to all the team for their hard work, determination, commitment and loyalty in bringing Samskriti to the next level of excellence.

He also expressed that “Concentrated work hours can give sustaining results and success to anyone at any stage of life. Growth and recognition will be rewarding if employees tend to give their best with continuous sincere efforts, hard work and dedication.”

The three day tour comprised of visiting exciting places like Borrra Caves, Katiki Water Falls, Chepa Rai, Rama Naidu Studios, Bheemli Beach, and Rishi Konda Beach that included various activities like trekking, water gaming, swimming, cycling, and many more splendid moments.

Employees Gratitude on Grand Occasion reflected on Facebook Celebrations Post:

Mamidisette Shruthi As a fresher it was a great opportunity for me to interact and mingle with every one, njoyed d trip.......Happy to be a part of SAMSKRITI.

Satish Polampelly It’s really an Awesome! Experience..... Enjoyed a lot with all the "Samskritians":::)))) And these days will be "Sempiternal"!!!!!!!!!!!!

Prashanth Neelam Trip was fantastic and wonderful I never went like this,royality of samskriti solutions and also memorable))))))

Naveen Reddy I feel these are the best memories to recall in my life forever and ever....

Sama Srijay Before there were many moments for me, but now this is the best and will be the best, will last long... Thank U #Samskriti Solutions

Shyam Prasad It was fantastic trip for me too. We have been seeing plenty of colleagues / teams since last 10 years but never seen this kind of energy in the team. Let’s continue the same efforts and hard work to take the SBS to next level. Great Team. Keep rocking.

Madhavi Anumula Thanks to a Wonderful Boss, Extraordinary Mentor, and an Excellent Human Being. @ Sravan Paka Sir for making us a part of the celebrations and aspirations to build Samskriti as an always Achieving Company that inspires people to work hard. We all as a team like to convey our gratitude for the overwhelming happiness that you have showered on us on the occasion of our company anniversary. It was really a great experience.