As we prepare for the 31st party celebrations not only to welcome the forthcoming inspirational year 2015 with great spirits, but also to celebrate our achievements during the year we are leaving behind. During our journey till now which has seen us crossing milestones one after another, our achievements started way back in 2012 when on 18th July we had the privilege to participate in Google Engage event and on 21st August celebrating our 4th Anniversary and to end the year 2012 with celebrations.

Our commitment to growth and dedicated services has received wide appreciation and to commemorate our success we have celebrated many events with pomp and grandeur for instance being highlighted as an SMB by Google Engage again in 2013.

Our team outing to Surya Lanka Beach on Aug 29th, 2013 was an exciting affair where all our team members renewed their commitment towards excellence in services.

To mention a few more, CEO of Samskriti Business Solutions, Mr. Sravan Kumar Paka was invited as the chief spokes person at the Industry Interaction Meet by students in September 2013 and to end the year 2013, we celebrated the New Year’s Eve 2014 where we pledged ourselves to achieve more.

2014 began with a milestone in January itself, when we were invited by Internet and Mobile Association of India to their 8th India Digital Summit, 2014. Our success stories in 2014 goes on to say our On Campus Drive for SVS group of Institutions, offering free SEO website audit for assisting online business owners in April and then had the graceful occasion to attend the SEMPO Meet Up at Hyderabad. We are now an ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Company for delivering value added services, the distinction coming in 2014. The year 2014 has been a year of unprecedented success and celebrating our 6th Anniversary at SJ Palate on the occasion, we have renewed our pledge to deliver even better services.

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