GA Site Overlay Replaced with In-Page Analytics
Google Analytics (GA) is the best free analytics tool to track website visitors. Day to day Analytics team is updating GA interface by adding many more options. Site overlay is one of the best metrics to know that how a visitor is interacting with your website or web page.
Through Site overlay we can know where the visitors are actually clicking. Earlier when we try to access site overlay feature in Google Analytics, a pop up will come in browser to look at desired metrics. Most of the analytic users are not able to access this data due to technical issues. So now Google Analytics integrated site overlay feature in inner interface with a new name called “In-Page Analytics”.
In-Page Analytics is an upgraded version of Site overlay. Lot of features included here like integration of advanced segments data into In-Page Data. Visitors coming from a keyword may click on Some X part on your website and another keyword might click on Some Y part on your website. We can check which keyword visitor clicked on which part of the website using this feature. So many these kinds of features integrated in In-Page Analytics.
Have a look at the above images to have a clear idea about In-Page Analytics. In-Page Analytics has many interesting features while going in depth.