2018 Best On-Page SEO Strategies to Use for Website Rankings

What is on-page SEO Strategies:
The process of updating elements such as coding, text, images etc. within the website or blog is called on-page optimization.
Top On-Page SEO strategies:
1. HTML tags
On page evaluation is quite critical to the SEO strategies:
- Page Title:
The website title is nothing but the title which appears as a first thing on the website or webpage. 60-80 characters’ limit is the bar for the page title.
- SEO Title:
SEO title is take care of by the Google and is displayed on the search pages as a result of search. Google displays 55-60 characters in the search page for SEO title.
2. Meta Tags
Meta tags are snippets of text that describe a page’s content; the meta tags don’t appear on the page itself, but only in the page’s code.
- Meta Description:
It helps in the SEO rankings indirectly. Placing the keywords comes under meta description and increase the click through rate in the search engines.
- Meta keywords:
Meta Keywords are a specific type of meta tag that appear in the HTML code of a Web page and help tell search engines what the topic of the page and it makes sense to have more than 10 meta keywords for one page.
3. Content
Content is the king of Digital age and fresh content pushes the rankings up the chart.
- Quality Content:
The quality of the content on the website/blogs is essential as quality content attracts a lot of people while retaining the old visitors.
- Structure:
Buzzfeed style websites with points in form of listicles have driven a lot of attraction and viewership due to the easy reading style. Long paragraphs and essay style have gone out of the window. Ensuring the content is structured in a pointer form will drive large amount of content hungry internet public to the website.
- Content Updating:
Fresh content is one of the key driving wheel behind any website/ blog rise in the internet world. Website popularity lies in the amount of content one pushes all-round the clock to keep the viewers happy and engaged. Stale content no one seeks and fresh content is the talk of town.
4. Keywords
- Title keyword:
One keyword compulsory in the SEO title as well as post/page title. Search engines gives a lot of importance to the keywords placement and it must be incorporated in the first 3 words.
- Keyword Usage:
The first impression is the last and so is the first paragraph in SEO rankings. Keywords in the first line of the introductory sentence is the deal clincher in SEO traffic.
5. XML Sitemap
XML format is recognized easily by the search engine bots and it is the way to have a search page friendly sitemap.
The list is never ending for the world of SEO evolves with time and search page updates.